EMA Report: Availability and Buying Options in the Emerging SASE Market
Cloudflare One reviewed as a leading provider of Secure Access Service Edge
Gartner's Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture model, first published in 2019, foretold a future vision for how IT and networking functions would converge, blending disparate technologies together to securely connect users, offices and data centers to enterprise resources.
Two years later, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, enterprises are beginning to plan their SASE implementations, but the road to full adoption is long and technically challenging. Adding to the challenge, the vendor landscape is noisy and difficult to navigate.
How should IT and Networking leaders be planning their path to SASE adoption? And how will they know which vendors provide them the optimal security, support, and network to deploy on?
This research report from Enterprise Management Associates (EMA) provides a practical guide for IT and networking professionals seeking to understand SASE and the providers who are furthest along in making it a reality.
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EMA Report: Availability and Buying Options i...
Cloudflare One reviewed as a leading provider of Secure Access Service Edge
Gartner's Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) architecture model, f...